OMG!! I´m sooo not sure about doing this or not...;)
But sometimes you got to risk a little bit..and put yourself out there but guys: PLEASE be gentle! ♥

So...some of you know that I bought my first Copic markers in may/june and that I´ve been practising a bit every now and then when time has allowed me. It turned out to be so much harder than I thought it would be! I think the technique is quite different than colouring with my di´s. I´m still not happy with my end results and now I´m considering actually taking a course..I think it´s more easy achieving a good result when you have loads of colours to choose from, I´m going to have to get my self some more..How sad ;) LOL!
Anyways now I decided to go ahead and publish this card..or should I. I guess we will all know in a while ;)
I´m showcasing a little lass with loads of attitude today! She is named Lil Little Lotita Lilith and is part of the latest release by Tickled pink stamps.
She is so cool, don´t you think? That umbrella is rocking, I want one!
The patterned papers are from Panduro and the big pink rose is from Prima, the small ones are WOC. The beautiful sentiment is also from TPS and was part of a release earlier this spring.
I had great fun following this weeks sketch by the talanted ladies over at Sketch Saturday.

Hiya lou
SvaraRaderaYouve done a fantastic job with them!! You go girl xxx
Debbie xxx
hello my friend!!!
SvaraRaderasweet colors, perfect for your style and nice nice nice papers.....beautiful to combo with TPS!!!
pretty work!
hugs xx
Åh, vad söt hon är!
SvaraRaderaLite roligt med rosa. Det är nog inte färgen man väljer oftast till den stämpeln.
Oooooooooo me like!!
SvaraRaderaFabulous card. I started with Promarkers then went onto copics & I hated them at first & tossed them to one side lol. However I perserveered & now they are my fave. I think the best thing to do is yes have lots of colours lol & keep on practicing & discover your own style & your own way of using them. To be honest I found looking at tutorials didnt do me any good altho they were a good foundation to get me started. I think your colouring looks fab & the more & more you use them the more you will fall in love with them....
SvaraRaderaLotsa hugs Vicky xxx
This is just gorgeous Louise. When I first started with ProMarkers it took me aaaaaaaaaaages to get used to them and all I would recommend is practice, practice, practice. After saying that I think that you've done a wonderful job with the copics. Oh and I LOVE the image also :0) Hugs Michele xxx
SvaraRaderaHey gorgeous lady, OMG whats that i read your not sure about copics ( your kidding me right?) Stunning work, gorgeous details big hugs pops x x
SvaraRaderaWow, you did a great job with your copics. It's just gorgeous. And so is your card.
SvaraRaderaHugs, Yvon
WOW girl you are rocking those copics, wont be long before your going pro! I absolutely LOVE this is amazing, gorgeous in every way!
SvaraRaderaHugs Kellie xx
Are you kidding me!? This is GORGEOUS! Wonderful shading!!!! You really ROCKED this one girlie!! This little girl is pretty cute too! I think you are doing great without lessons!
SvaraRaderaHave a wonderful week!
Hugs, Dena
Louise, dette er jo bare nydelig!!
SvaraRaderaDu har gjort en fantastisk jobb med copicsene! Det er litt knotete til å begynne med til man finner sin teknikk, men så blir man helt hektet... Jeg kan nesten ikke klare meg uten
Kortet ditt er nydelig, stemplet er jo bare så herlig og du har brukt så nydelige rosa ark. Vakkert, vakkert
Klemmer fra Jill
OMG OMG OMG - you are a MASTER! See, I think if you can colour beautifully in your favoured medium, you can swap and change to new mediums with excellent results - You my gorgeous friend are one of these amazing artists :) Little Lilith never looked cuter!
SvaraRaderaGorgeous Hunny!
Kots of love,
Kylie xx
This card is gorgeous Louise! Those Copics do have a learning curve don't they? But I can't imagine not having them and my best advice is practice makes perfect. Truly though I would NEVER know that you've only had them such a short time because this looks great! Can't wait to see more :)
SvaraRaderaxx Katie
I think you did a great job! Copics have a huge learning curve -- I've been using them for years & I still can't get it right! And you know what is hard for me? Coloring with Distress Inks!
SvaraRaderaYou are being too hard on yourself. The colouring looks great and no you dont have to have lots and lots of copics to get the best result you just need to learn to blend really well and not be afraid to mix colours. Practice and finding your own technique is the best way to go. My little tip is I find little flicks are lot easier to blend that the circular motions as I find the circles saturate the paper too much but little flicks give a softer look and lots easier to blend.
SvaraRaderaLove the card too by the way!!
HUgs from bron xo
OMGOSH Louise, Your card is totally fantastic!! I love your copic colouring, it does take practice and practice and then some more practice but you will get there!! It took me about 6 months or so to feel confident enough with them, and then it soon took over:-) I'm no expert either, just do what you think looks great:-) ooo and watch out, you will want every colour!!!
Really gorgeous and original Louise!
SvaraRaderaA big hug, Francesca.
VA??!! vad skulle väl kunna va ett problem med att visa detta pigan??!! HELT ursnyggt målat med dina pennor och kortet är ju bara så fint som alla dina kort är vännen. Jag är galet sugen på att beställa mej lite copicsar jag skullle....får se hur mycket som finns kvar i pllånboken efter vi kommer hem fr semestern(ja datorn packade jag me så nu medans solen inte lyser så måste man ju få blogga liiiiite) ;)
SvaraRaderaKram kram gumman
Wowww Louise this is such a stunning card dear!! Looks so fabulous! Gorgeous work hun!
SvaraRaderaHugs Kristel
Tjingeling Louise!
SvaraRaderaDetta kort är helt underbart vackert!
Du KAN måla med Copics också!!!!!
Du är så otroligt duktig och så makalöst inspirerande så det är en dröm att titta in här varje gång du har lagt upp något nytt!!!
Men hallå snäckan! Jag sa ju det från början, det är klart att du kan måla med Copics. Visst behöver vi alla öva lite först men detta är ljuvligt snyggt målat. Keep up the good work ;o) Ser fram emot fler motiv som är Copics målade. För övrigt är detta ett makalöst fint kort. Love it!!!
I can not trust my eyes! This is unbelieveable Louise! Your coloring with the copics is brilliant! And do not say NO!!! Absolut amazing! I love it.
SvaraRaderaLove all about your card. Come on please wiht coloring with your copics and great coloring.
Love and Hugs
Dunja xx
Läckert vännen, inte behöver du skämmas för den färgläggningen, den är ju perfekt på alla sätt. Även jag skulle tacka ja till ett så snyggt paraply i rosa och nog skulle det bli använt i detta trista regnväder som ständigt råder här numera.
SvaraRaderaKram Ingela
Superläckert Louise!! Du är hur proffsig som helst med pennan i hand:) Underbar stämpel och underbart kort!
Skjønner ikke hva du bekymrer deg er jo aldeles nyyyydelig fargelagt av deg Louise:-))))
SvaraRaderaEt rålekkert kort du har laget!!!
Klemmer, Astrid:-)
I understand your diffidence with the Copics - I too struggle with them & reading through the above comments I am encouraged even more to persevere - thank you for posting your thoughts & being such a catalyst.
SvaraRaderaPaula (PEP)
Amen Louise....! Detta är ju galet fint!! Hur bra som helst! O du vet ju vad man säger, öving ger färdighet :-). Fast jag tror du övat klart!
Oh my goodness ... your card is absolutely GORGEOUS Louise! You have done a fab job with the copics.
SvaraRaderaLove all the wonderful details on your card … a feast for the eyes.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend.
Greetings from Germany
Jag döööööööör!!! Och du säger att jag målar bra med copics?!?!! DU LJUGER!!! Det är du som målar bra, bättre än bra, fantastiskt med Copics!!!! Helt otroligt!! Färgläggningen blev så bra att jag fick titta en gång till för att ens se resten av kortet som i vanlig Lojsan-anda är heeeelt fantastiskt!!