Hi friends!
Welcome to my place!
Today I have the honor of telling you I have been so surprised by my LOVELY teamies over at Magnolia down under! I posted a card late yesterday evening thinking everything was as usual and then for a change I actually didn´t sit up during the middle of the night so I didn´t hurry on over to check out the amazing creations my teamies made. Since I´m pregnant that has been the case for a couple of saturdays now ;) Today I have three days left til my babygirl is due! In Sweden it´s not very common to throw baby showers but I have seen them on TV and I´ve been thinking: "That seems like loads of fun, I´d love to have one or throw one for a friend sometime" and whilst I was posting what I thought was the "correct" inspirational picture challenge card the girls had planned to surprise me for months! I swear, they are GREAT pros at this, I had litteraly no idea of what was going on ;) This is the inspirational picture they "assigned" me:

and here´s the card I made:
Here´s the GORGEOUS picure the girlies surprised me with and that is the CURRENT challenge at Magnolia down under:
(Photo courtesy of Pinterest)
This week the ladys are asking you to make a card or project inspired by the lush picture above with the theme SHABBY BABY in mind too :)
As I wrote before I had no idea about this and I became very anxious seeing this pink gorgeousness at our blog and then looking at all the pink lovelieness made by my teamies. My reaction was: My word! I have missed out and used the wrong photo!
And then I read Louise and babyshower and I realized they had outdone themselves in keeping this a secret!
You all made me feel very special and I´m so honored to read all the beautiful words you used to describe me as a friend. They mean so much to me! I consider you all to me my friends too and even though we have never met in real life you guys are amongst the once that means the world to me! I´m so happy cyber exists and I have had the opportunity to be part of something so special! I have been on a little private blog hop just now and I had tears of joy running down my face every now and then. I love my MDUC dt group and I feel I honestly will never leave! This is more than a dt - it´s a circle of friends having the best time!
I have been feeling a loss for words when I visited you all today and I hardly ever do, the love you guys have been beaming at me are just so big!
Now I can´t wait to show you all pics of little miss bubba! If she cares to join in on our festivities anytime soon ;) ♥
As you all can probably tell I´m feeling extra curious in what you are creating this week, pls join in! Baby themed stuff are so much fun to make and maybe someone else in your circle of friends is expecting a baby girl too soon? You never know! Otherwise you can just keep it til someone does and you can pass the surprise along!
Big hugs! xXx
♥ ♥♥ ♥♥♥
Oh Hunny,
SvaraRaderaI am so happy that you have enjoyed our little surprise. It is the very least we could do. It is my wish to be able to meet you in person one day so I can give you the biggest HUG! And meet your adorable family too. You have been the best friend I have "never" met. To know that there will be another little person just like you in this world is joy to me. I wish you joy and happiness. Thank you for looking after me when I need it. May your newest little princess give you a swift and painless labour and be the most relaxed baby ever. I know she is going to have the lovely dimples you and Signe share :) I can't wait to meet her.
All the very best Hunny!! Not long to go now ;)
Hugs xx
Oh sweetie you made me tear up! I'm just sooooooo happy for you and wish soooo much this could have been done in person! You really ARE one of the sweetest people I know and this new little bundle of joy is one of the luckiest little girls around to have you as her mum - as is Signe. Can you believe Kylie was worried you'd be mad at us - LOL. All the best for a speedy delivery and I can't WAIT to meet your newest Princess!
SvaraRaderalotsaluv always
Oh Louise Ive come over all emotional myself now.
SvaraRaderaThis is the start to a fantastic week for you and by the end of it you will be holding your gorgeous Ella xx
Awh cantwait to see the pics
Big Hugs
debbie xxx
Well a beautiful surprise for a beautiful lady, I'm so happy that the girls did this for you, they're lovely! I wish you all the very best Louise for the arrival of your baby girl and can't wait to see photo's of her. I love the card you made too, absolutely gorgeous and your hubby will love it I'm sure. Big hugs xxx
SvaraRaderaOh what lovely comments from your friends, it says everything about what a lovely lady you are xxx
SvaraRaderaI can't wait to see your bubba pictures.
Take care lovely.
melly. xxx
The gift of life is a blessing and should always be celebrated. God bless you and your little one on the way.
SvaraRaderaMen gisses vilken härlig överaskning. Jag läste ditt inlägg först imorse och beundrade hur du tolkat bilden. Gick sen in och såg din stora överaskning. Vilket underbart gäng. Jag håller med tjejerna i allt dom säger, du är underbart go =)
SvaraRaderaTänk att det bara är 3 dagar kvar, kan ju bli när som helst. Det är ju bara så spännande.
Sköt om dig vännen, kram
Oh my dear, you are just the loveliest! All I kept saying was, "Awwwww! Awwww! How sweet!!!" You truly deserve this lovely surprise .. how wonderful of your teamies!!! Louise, you are such a sweetheart and I'm so happy to hear that your were so surprised! :) Only a few more days before your little one is due ... yayyyy! Can't wait to see the newest edition .. I know she'll be gorgeous like her Mommy!
SvaraRaderaBig Hugs,
Isn't it sooo fun to be surprised? I'm so glad it worked. I can't wait to see photos of your little bundle, I hope you makes a quick arrival. Make sure to share lots and lots of pics with us. Your lacey gorgeous is adorable too!
SvaraRaderaHi sweetie, I am so pleased the girls gave you this most amazing surprise. It is wonderfully sweet of them and goes to show how much you and your long awaited arrival are to them. I was truly honored to be asked to join in on this special gift. I havent know you long but I can honestly say you are one of the kindest, sweetest and loveliest bloggers I have had the privalage of getting to know. I wish you every joy and happiness in the world and cannot wait to see pictures of your lovely precious baby girl.
SvaraRaderaLots of love and cuddles
Kat xx
Aw hunni, now I have tears welling up too! We've all been so excited planning this and you deserve it so much! I'm so thrilled reading your words about how surprised you were. You're one of the best friends I have and such a sweetheart to everybody and I'm just so pleased for all of you. Like Kylie I really hope to meet you for real one day too - and wish I could give a real hug and get to cuddle your new princess. Not long now and she'll be in your arms! Can't wait to hear from you that she's here! big hugs! xxx
SvaraRaderaLouise, your just the sweetest lady ever - I'm in tears too, I'm so happy that we managed to keep it a secret for all these months, and of course we are glad that your not upset with us for tricking you and giving you a fake picture to work with :p OMGOSH we are so happy that we could do this, but we all wish it was in person - one day we will meet I'm sure and there will be big cuddles going around. I can't wait for your little bundle to come, I think she will be just as gorgeous as you, and she has really struck gold coming into your family!! I wish you a speedy and safe labour and I can't wait to see her picture!! Good Luck Hunny :-)
SvaraRaderaLots of Love
What a wonderful suprise they arranged for you! I can believe it made you very happy :-) And wow, it's great that you allmost can welcome a new baby girl! Hope for you that everything is gonna be fine and I now you will be such a great family together... Love the pics you show of your daughter on Instagram ;-)
SvaraRaderaAnd I also love to see you so crafty lately, your creations are wonderful, so shabby chic and romantic. Also like your Saturated Canary cards very much! I felt in love with them too ;-)
Wish you a very good week and thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog, love to read them.
Big hug, Ing xx
Louise! How fun that they surprised you!!! That was too sweet! I love the inspirational photo and since the card is FOR YOU AND BABY #2, I will HAVE to join in!!!
SvaraRaderaLuv ya girl!!!
Hugs, Dena
Well I have just visited the DT blogs and my word the makes are gorgeous Louise and then I read your messages Louise you truly loved each and everyone of them and what a lucky lady you are to have such wonderful friends who managed to keep this fabulous secret!!!!!
SvaraRaderaNot long now before we see you new princess, can't wait Love Chanelle xxxxx
*haha* Jag skrattade och fick nästan en tår i ögat när jag såg detta på MDUC - kommeterade det där då också... Helt underbar överraskning för dig! Och en massa underbar inspiration som de skapat....